For N points, in M dimensions, get squared Mahalanobis distances to center.

  scale = TRUE,
  use = "complete.obs",
  center = c("mean", "median"),



A data.frame or matrix. Observations in rows.


If TRUE, scale variables before getting mahalanobis distances.


Observations to use in computing covariance matrix. Gets passed to cov.


Type of univariate center for each variable in m; "mean" or "median"


additional arguments passed to mahalanobis, and possibly on to solve.


A list with additional class "mahalDist" containing elements:

  1. D2: A vector of squared Mahalanobis distances for observations (rows) in m. Incomplete observations return NA.

  2. vars: A character vector with the column names from m.

  3. dim: The number of columns of m.


For each of N points in M dimensions, get squared Mahalanobis distances to distribution centroid. This is useful for checking for outliers in a multivariate distribution. The squared Mahalanobis distances to center for an MV normal distribution with N dimensions will follow the chi square distribution with DF equal to N.

This function is a convenience wrapper around mahalanobis, which see. Variables are optionally scaled before distances are computed. Incomplete observations will return NA.

See also


Dave Braze


m <- matrix(rnorm(400, m=.8, s=.05), nrow=100) md <- mahalDistC(m)
#> [1] -2.492991e-16 -7.763061e-16 -6.873798e-16 -5.496639e-16
#> [1] 6.8657220 0.9967624 2.1921789 5.7690833 1.8006491 1.7996366 #> [7] 4.1767354 0.9940790 8.0848617 3.7160511 3.5773566 5.1008230 #> [13] 10.0047741 1.2574886 0.8035108 2.4314170 7.6316181 2.2501739 #> [19] 0.4695190 2.8496532 3.8011450 4.3806302 3.0917521 5.8855054 #> [25] 8.8592957 1.5702309 2.8672084 4.8752903 4.6496856 1.4856740 #> [31] 3.5321995 4.9979474 6.6895551 8.7342380 2.0686514 1.2526548 #> [37] 3.6983858 2.7532440 5.9997638 4.5340288 1.9777428 2.2642756 #> [43] 4.5185172 4.4793054 2.2769644 0.5896595 5.7129963 5.2871988 #> [49] 4.1403004 3.5678466 2.0491749 0.9837629 4.7055502 8.3100221 #> [55] 6.4275398 2.9227218 1.7204923 1.5474492 1.7109327 5.2980136 #> [61] 1.0528103 4.2526182 7.5727741 4.3242709 2.7796400 2.8736221 #> [67] 4.1232919 3.8080036 4.5202648 2.9919090 3.6076073 9.8862185 #> [73] 2.1013865 2.5960439 9.6141974 7.7916493 14.1958047 1.6203113 #> [79] 3.7373453 1.2303183 4.7787542 1.7715933 4.0447528 1.3840071 #> [85] 5.8121648 3.7523112 1.4722260 4.1165165 0.2636546 3.3322626 #> [91] 1.3903857 13.3903289 4.0103954 1.0912081 5.3714543 0.9328289 #> [97] 3.5442657 3.0819643 7.0956649 1.6935267