A collection of word and nonword sets culled from the literature on naming and lexical decision, and distributed as an R data package. The initial release includes 14 wordsets from 7 published papers. See help for each wordset for details.

Compiled under supervision of Dave Braze. Devon Eddy did yoeman’s labor keying in data.


Install with devtools::install_github():

install.packages("devtools") ## If you don't already have it.


The package site, with details on included wordlists, can be viewed here (See “Reference” tab).

“Source” files for the wordsets, in the form of one MS Excel spreadsheet per wordset, can be found in the inst/extdata subdirectory of the installed package. A double entry method was used for entering data into these files. Data is keyed separately into sheet1 and then into sheet2 of each xlsx file. Formulae in sheet3 compare entries in the first two sheets and flag differences to help identify data entry errors.

The script used for converting the xlsx source files to rdata files can be found in the inst/scripts subdirectory.

Key to the phono alphabet used in this package can be found in the file “phonHarm1998-key.txt” located in the inst/extdata subdirectory of this package.